Thursday, May 3, 2012

Grinding and Cinco de Mayo getaway

Hey dolls : )

In a few hrs, I will be in Vegas shopping and partying my ass off.
Tuesday back to regular schedule, then two final exams, and a huge charity event [NFL].  Athletes are sooooo played out, I'm looking for the behind the scenes guys. This is my first major event and I'm super excited.  I will def blog about it.

I'm still in school, working pt, and I have my 2 main "boyfriends". 
[Jake and Accent Daddy] 


. I decided to give up on the over saturated "sugar sites".  I'm out free styling, volunteering, networking and of course shopping.

SB's are easily replaceable. 
I cannot sit on the Internet bullshitting around all day.

Managing my SB life and my "real life" can be overwhelming sometimes. It's like I'm always on the grind and looking for the next best thing. Don't get me SD's are good to me but I'm not one of those girls who plan to make this a SB thing a career for years to come. I want something more than a fucking allowance and a few disposable items..

 I am after REAL MONEY. 

I want the big fish. A whale. A generous big money guy without a lot of hang-ups. Meaning no pre nup.

In order to attract this guy, I had to take a step back from the computer and have a "State of the Union" with myself. Meaning I had to figure out what I wanted in life and what steps I need to take to attract my Whale.

I accepted the possibility that my Whale might not look like one of these guys

but more like this

If you come to my blog and it's gone, 
Know that I'm laughing straight to the bank. 


Jake planned the cinco de Mayo Vegas trip. We leave tomorrow afternoon. I suggested we have a small gathering at his house. Something laid back like a  bbq, play pool,  and/or watch the game. That way we both get wasted safely at his house without the drama. I tried to convince him to stay local and go full out for MDW but he is dead set on Vegas for cinco de mayo. I have no problem w leaving town I just don't want to waste MY VACATION SHOPPING TIME babysitting his ass. He's one of those loud, annoying drunks too.....smh.

Jake is that you? lmaoo 


My Bday is in a few weeks.  : )

AccentDaddy already asked for my wish list.

Sneak peek:

Spring is almost over but this trench is must have. 

*Seductive Pout

Enjoy your weekend dolls.


MeMe said...

Where have u been lady? Update please lol