Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Hey Sweeties!

Miss me?

I've been super busy looking for a good nursing program to transfer into. I really need to focus on my career so I can marry a specialist or surgeon.


I'm thinking about deleting my personal FB page entirely and making an alias page for sugar only.


I almost got caught up.
A nosy pot sent me a friend request [ he knows my gov't name]. The crazy thing is that my page is private, I'm not in the search engine or anything...but I have a very unique last name and he found me through a family members page.

I added him then he complained bc he couldn't see my wall.

*side eye*

SB Tip

Make your FB page private.

If you really want to remain anon--- Do not attatch your personal email and/or govt name to ANY accounts.

POTS and SD's def. snoop around.

Sugar Updates

I FINALLY have an arrangement!!!


He wants cam and chat sessions.
I originally turned down his offer bc of my schedule and the time zone difference. He's across the pond.

$$$$ every week plus gifts. Sweet deal. He's vanilla but slightly kinky...so far... foot and lingerie fetish. Not bad for a few hrs a week w NO physical contact.

Gift Daddy??

I decided to spend the day w him so I let my bff and sis know for safety precautions. Jake was sooo happy 2 c me. I blew him a kiss bc of his germs. lol He's still recovering from the flu. He scooped me up and kissed me all over my face. *yuck*
He looked like shit---his nose was red from blowing it.
Def not the tough guy I was used to lol. It's funny bc he so badass...tats, biker, former marine. HE was like a helpless dog tht day.
He was super chatty despite his uncontrollable sneezing.

I made him hot tea w lemon / honey...then I took a tour of his house...he showed it off on skype b4 but it's HUGE IRL. 6 bedroom 5 bath boat dock, full basketball court, outdoor patio, 2 harleys, and a kennel.
No food in the fridge. He apologized and ordered takeout. We watched bad teacher [it's about a SUGARBABY / "schoolteacher" trying to hustle for new tits.] The movie was so fucking HILARIOUS I almost choked on my food.

Jake fell asleep with his head in my lap. I left a cute note and took off shortly after. I arrived back in the city and to my surprise I found some $$$$ in my purse. He must have put it in there while I was looking around his crib. To end the night, I sent a him a sexy pic while I was in the bubble bath.

He's a good catch--- about to retire soon and he casually mentioned he's looking for someone to spend even MORE time with.
I could handle that. *wink.

The problem is-----He said he's not looking for a "sugar baby" he wants a companion instead.
He explained tht he didn't care for the whole SB/SD dynamic bc SB is the new term for Escort and he's not a john. LMAO.
He said he wants someone he could trust and someone to share his life with. awwwww. He said he enjoyed spending time with me and I make him feel young again. He said he missed "those carefree days".


Call it what you want, Mr Officer.
