Thursday, September 15, 2011

Money can't buy class.

My sis and bff [both SB's ] introduced me to the lifestyle. My sis is not on the scene like tht anymore, she's not on the prowl [ for now] *wink*
but my BFF....

We are like batman and robin. No cattiness/ no bs.
U bet your ass.
Sometimes trouble finds us...

We got into a lil squabble w a self entitled jackass at a bar after the game.

He sent us drinks and being the friendly ppl we are, we invited him to join us in our booth. We love male company esp. since He kept our glasses and plates full throughout the evening. We were all having a good time. The convo was flowing and he discovered my bff was meeting her SD later ...of course the guy was intrigued. He was a random stranger so she didn't mind discussing her business. He asked about their arrangement. Then asked us to join him in his hotel room for more drinks.
We politely declined. It wasn't tht type of party. We are not escorts so nothing was happening.

He asked again.
We ignored him with silence.
He put 500 measly dollars on the table.
He was like what do say ladies? How about that? I have money.
We were like

Random guy's ego was beyond bruised so he did exactly what typical bitch ass men do.
Cause a scene.
He yelled our business throughout the bar. Everyone thought we were escorts.
He ranted and raved non stop. Thank God we got the hell outta there before anything happened.

Sugar babies and "the moral police" DO NOT mix. Unfortunately, I usually run into the latter. But I bet my last dollar... if they had the "look" or "skills" he/she would do the same.

They just don't understand.

It's not women who give me a hard's mostly MEN.

Basic men to look out for!!!!

1. Broke Bastard

Broke bastards are harder to detect. Some are actually wealthy and other Broke Bastards PRETEND to come from a certain pedigree. It's a lot of SCAM ARTISTS out there too. You are bound to run into this type...irl or online.

I know exactly what u r thinking---well if he's rich how is he broke???

He's broke bc he's not spending his hard earned money. He's not giving it to YOU, Sugar Baby... so he might as well be broke. They [Broke Bastards] want to fuck but don't have anything to offer. Broke bastard can only keep the charade up for so long.
I was "hot" b4 I asked for $$$$.

Really ?

2. Self Entitled Jackass

Self Entitled Jackass is the WORST.
Attractive. Multi Millionaire. Successful. Well educated.

Problem is his stank attitude.
His mindset is warped. He thinks the universe is HIS and will treat you like you work for HIM. His attitude is like----- *opens hermes wallet* what color is my amex again? Black. So fuck you... the world is flat bc I say it is.


Run away bc after a few days with him you are going to want to commit suicide or pop a few pills to get over it. The $$$$ is soooo not worth the trouble.

SUGAR Updates
  • My POT Jake was in the hospital. I didn't visit or call bc his family was around 24/7 [I gotta stay under the radar]. Sooo me being a sweet brown sugar baby ...I had an anon gift basket delivered. He was surprised I thought about him.
  • I joined a kickboxing class. 3 days a week 2 hours. It's kicking my ass. For Real.
  • I contacted Accentpot. Took him 2 days to return an email. After a few back n forth messages, we have a skype date tomorrow.
  • Found a new POT. I dnt have a name 4 him yet. *blushes*

All she cares about is money and the city where she's from
Her intention is the paper, she don't need no fucking love
